Midis at The Boutique are courtesy of
The MIDI Farm

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~Miss Issy's Background Boutique~

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Miss Issy's Background Boutique/Wellesley/Gazebo/6813/
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Let's Go Shopping!

With 6 Floors,
22 Showrooms,
and over 60 backgrounds,
Miss Issy has one of the
largest free Boutiques
on the web.

Ready to go shopping?
Get your purse
and let's go!

Elevators are through this entrance:
Enter Issy's Boutique


Tutorial I: Basic HTML

* HTML Structure * Colors
* Navigation * Tags
* Page Builders
* Geo GuestBooks
* Text & Image Links

Tutorial II: Browsers
* Saving Images * Uploading
* Download MSIE & Netscape
* To AOL Users * Preferences
* Image Dimensions

Tutorial III: Tables
* Table Code for
Bordered Backgrounds
* Well-Kept Secret Revealed
* Nested Tables * Scrolling Text
* GeoGuide Advantages

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The background sets displayed at Miss Issy's Boutique are the creations of Gayla Pledger. These are free to use on personal home pages. There will be a minimal fee to be used for any commercial purpose. Please do not modify these images in any way, with the exception only of re-sizing them to fit your needs. The only charge for using these images is a link from your site to mine! Please make all links to:


Inventory at the Boutique was last updated on or about:
November 16, 1999.


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Miss Issy's Guest Registry
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This site is owned and maintained by Gayla L. Pledger.
"IssyMissy" and "Miss Issy" are the trademark of Gayla Pledger.

( © copyright - Gayla L. Pledger )

I created this background exclusively for The Boutique. I would appreciate it if you would leave it here. Thank you. ~

Return to the Boutique Entrance

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