Welcome to my site.  I've been working mostly on getting my travel pages posted (finally!) and I have several online now.  Of course, I'm only six days into the three week journey I took last summer, so there is quite a bit more to come!

I am a doctoral candidate in history at the
University of Pennsylvania.  This means that I spend most of my time either reading, writing, or procrastinating on reading or writing.  I also teach self defense, which gets me up and moving around, in addition to all the benefits of knowing how to take care of myself in all kinds of situations.  Click here for my self defense philosophy.  For some of my other interests (the things I do when I'm procrastinating!), click here

This past summer, I began some research on Schoolhouse Rock.  I started with wanting to know what people remembered from the shows, and then I wanted to know more about how people spent their Saturday mornings.  I'm (finally!) done with the paper, but I'm still interested in seeing people's responses to the questionnaires.  Click here for the
television questionnaire. Click here for the Schoolhouse Rock questionnaire
For those who don't remember it,
Schoolhouse Rock! was a series of educational short cartoons that ran between cartoons on Saturday mornings on ABC.  They ran from 1973 until 1985, with a brief revival--and, apparently, a new series of cartoons on money--in the mid-90s.  There has also been a stage play, but I don't happen to know anything about that.  And if you just like to think about television, click here...

And if you  want to see what I look like, scroll down to the bottom of this page.
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Click here for the travel links page.
The travel links page includes both the travel pages on this site, and links to other sites.  Check back: I'm getting a new page up every couple of weeks.
Here's me, around age one, being held by my mother.  I'm the one on the left.  Nice profile shot, isn't it?

The picture below is me in New York City, wearing my sneaky disguise.  I'm sure that no one could tell it was me!