Undergoing reconstruction, some
links are broken, please use back botton on your browser untill I have
everything fixed!
Thanx All!
This is my attempt to say Welcome Home Guys
& Gals, and to thank you for all you gave,...
"All gave Some...Some gave all" God
created the Vietnam Vet He's Proud of
it, and I'm Proud of him!!!!
Have some fun getting to know
gari, by visiting some of gari's web pages:
Some pages about Banshee
gari's family: Come
Ride With Us
, loads slowly as it is very graphic intense, but worth the
wait ... mypandagurlCome
Ride With Us .. is also under construction but still working
Please if you would like a copy of any thing on the Banshee
Mountain Web Site, e-mail gari at jus_gari@yahoo.com
Gentle Dove Design Studio is currently undergoing major
reconstruction will be back some time early 2008, thanx
for your patience!