Kelly's Home Page
This is my home page.  If you feel that you have time to waste, feel free to travel through all the glorious sites to find out more about me!  (Like you really care or anything).  Find out about the man who currently occupies my life.  Discover the seceret lives of all the critters I share my home with.  (Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Actually, puppies and bunnies and froggies, oh my!) May God forbid, but you can always check out pictures of me and my ex (just to look at me, of course).  And if you like my web page you can always click on the link to the side and e-mail me to applause my genius mind.  If you don't like it you can always go to hell you piss ant.
My Favorite Links:
*to become a member, see below
I'm the second from the end.
More About Me:
Name: See Above
Any questions, comments, or things you would like to see on my web page?  Click here to e-mail me!
Flavor of the Week Program:
Me, looking inspired.
To become a member of Kelly's flavor the week program, e-mail me with a nude photograph.  Only nude photographs will be accepted.  You also must be male.