Please feel free to visit the many rooms inside The Cottage, and please don't forget the paths outside along the garden.
Check out the Suggestion Box if you need to contact a Geocities Community Leader.
Look upon the walls in the hallway and you will find a tribute to my Daddy
Now, if you step into the kitchen you can spot a little breakfast nook.. Go ahead and sit down, I will pour you some coffee and you can flip through the pages of my poetry book.. Just don't tell me how much you hate it *lol* Parlez-vous francais: Si oui, venez à la
Chambre des vins pour un peu de rêverie poétique. Now don't get me started on freebirth. If you are interested you can check out the
Freebirth Webring
Are you feeling rather sad? Here have a kleenex If you step into the Nursery I will tell you my birth stories
If after all your trampsing around my cottage you still are enjoying yourself I ask you Get in touch with me please! Just leave a Post-it note on my fridge!
Welcome! I have been away for a very long time. Glad to see you are still checking in on me. Hope all is well with you and yours. After I get more of my real life straightened out I will be back , I promise..
Her site is WONDERFUL!
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Connie Rae.