Thru Our Eyes

Hi, and welcome to Thru Our Eyes. This page is designed to help those who have been thru any kind of abusive situation. It is here to offer help, support, and a safe place to tell others your story, your life, give advice, or whatever else you feel the need to share. It is a safe site, but some links may not be, so please access all pages carefully. I hope that you find what you're looking for here, or on the other sites linked. And as always, be safe. :o)

Please read my short Disclaimer

Links FYI Page
About Me Poetry Café
Little's Play House Cyber Guardians
Mailing List

Light for Life Foundation
Teen suicide is increasing. We must all become involved to help solve this problem.

This Site is Powered by the ICQ Respond-Online Panel

Please remember that some of the information contained on these pages as well as in the various links can somtimes be triggering. We are not therapists, doctors or any other medical professional. Any information obtained from this page or any of it's sub-pages or links is the sole responsibility of the reader. Professional counseling and therapy is vital in recovering from trauma.

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