DEV-GIRLS is a website under construction for female devotees and the disabled men we are attracted to.  We are the first public website specifically for female devotees.  The following pages contain stories with adult content, a gallery, book and movie reviews and lists along with other link pages to sites we think you would enjoy.

**WARNING** this site contains adult material and may be offensive to some. 
It is intended for adult viewers. 

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What is a Devotee??
Devoteeism or acromotophelia is the attraction to persons with physical disabilities, commonly people with amputations.  Although Devotees of amputees seems to be the most common (as can be judged from the number of web sites on the subject) they are by no means, the only people who are liked by Devo's.  Devotees may be attracted to people who use wheelchairs or crutches, prothestics or orthodontics and so forth.  The most open group of devotees has been male devo's of female amputees.  Other groups, such as female devotees of men with disabilities, remain "in the closet" about their attraction.  This mainly happens out of fear, they are afraid how their attraction will be viewed by others.  Most devotee attractions begin at a very young age.
      Devotees are attracted to people in conjunction with their disability, but do not wish a disability on anyone. (There is a distinct difference between devotee and fetishist!!)  Some people think of Devotees as weird or skewed in their attraction or desires.  Others believe devotee attractions are only sexual in nature.  Rest assured there is nothing wrong with devotees or being attracted to someone with a disability!  It is merely a preference.  It is socially  acceptable for one person to be attracted to another person because of certain features or characteristics, such as blonde hair, big chest, men with large muscles or tight butts.   But Devotees cannot find people living with disabilities attractive?? Absurd.

Thank you to edevotee.com for help with this definition. 
For more information on the differences between devotee and fetishes, please see the main menu.