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What type of woman lets herself be verbally and physically beaten?


Smart, pretty, educated, religious, helpful, friendly, forgiving... a woman like me. Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, rich, poor, it doesn't matter. DID YOU KNOW?
*A woman is beaten every 15 seconds
*1 out of 3 women will be beaten in her lifetime
*An estimated 6 million women are repeatly abused in their own homes each year.
*More of the visits by woman to the emergency medical services are caused by battering than by automotive accidents, muggings and stranger rapes combined!
*The number one cause of miscarriages and stillborns is from DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!

You are NOT alone!

If you think about it, you know MANY women who are abused. WHAT CAN YOU DO? Let them know you support them, and give them information I've provided here. And if you see or hear (like in the apartment next to you) a man screaming and yelling and/or a woman crying PLEASE CALL THE POLICE EVERY TIME! You don't have to give your name, just the address of the apt or house. Maybe she'll eventually get the message that domestic abuse is wrong, and she will press charges. Personally, I can not tell you how many times I needed intervention, but no one EVER called the police for me. I needed your help so much. Maybe I could have been spared those broken ribs, broken arm, all the tears, all the bruises, all the threats, the embarrassment, maybe my dog wouldn't have gotten hit over and over again. He should be in jail for attempted murder, kidnapping, assault, terroristic threats and more!!!! I regret not pressing charges - he is free to hurt someone else now. I know it isn't my fault, but I feel like it is my responsibility, because I didn't have the guts to follow through.

What if your neighbor/friend/cousin/brother/father kills the woman or the kids and you had done NOTHING ever to help! CALL 9-1-1 PLEASE !!!

PLEASE REMEMBER THIS. A PERSON ACCUSED OF PAST BATTERING WILL ALWAYS SAY "SHE MADE ME DO IT." IT HAS BEEN PROVEN OVER AND OVER AGAIN THAT A BATTERER WILL BEAT ANY PARTNER, IF SHE STAYS LONG ENOUGH FOR THE PHYSICAL VIOLENCE TO BEGIN. Most women think it isn't a good enough reason to leave because he intimidates, yells and threatens her. Many he "just" shoves her. Maybe they have physical altercations and she fights back, and thinks that now, having defended herself, she is the perpetrator...It is so sad. You always think it could be worse. Get out before he kills you. He just might. And these guys have a penchant for killing in front of the children! They are sick. They definitely don't LOVE you, and often don't even love the kids. They will USE the kids to get to you. The children are scarred from seeing any type of domestic violence. The boys will beat their wifes, and the girls will be beaten by their husbands. I GREW UP WITH DOMESTIC VIOLENCE! I thought it was "normal" to be yelled at, threatened, hit and intimidated. Show your kids that it is NOT NORMAL. DON'T LET THEM GROW UP TO BE ME.

Want to talk to someone now? Call 1-800-799-SAFE, or visit .

Go to the DOMESTIC VIOLENCE page for advice and assistance.


Last Update: 04 October, 1998


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