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Please let me know what you think of the changes.

The purpose of this page is to educate the public in the lives of Civil War re-enactors
and the lives of the gentlemen and especially the ladies from the time of the Civil War.

Just a little side note to the gentlemen visiting this page, please don't think that this is a page only for ladies. I have very many links that can benefit you, too.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Tonya Tyer. My link about re-enacting is very informative on what re-enacting is all about. I am also compiling a list of Civil War re-enactor units and living history groups. If you are interested in finding out if there is a group in your area or interested in adding your group to my list, please visit my units page.

Also be sure to check out some Civil War related books, music, and videos that I recommend. I have included a list of books such as diaries of both men and women, re-enacting books, books on nurses, and children's books.

Please join me in my journey and see the war from a modern ladies' perspective. I have a navigation bar at the end of each page to help you on your journey through my pages.

This page is still very new, but go to my What's New page to see the
latest. Each time you visit, you can go to that page for updated material. Come back soon!

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There are several ways to journey through my page. You can click on the links throughout the words in the paragraphs on the pages or you can use the navigation bar (see below) at the bottom of each page or you can use the "next" and "back" buttons (see above). You can get back to this page by clicking any link that says "home." Whichever way you choose, I do hope that you find my page enjoyable and helpful for whatever reason.

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