Thank you for your

patience while I

redo my site

I hope you enjoy

your visit and come

back again to see

all the changes




Well Hello... Glad to see you made it. *S*

I'm Cindy and welcome to my home on the web.

There is definitely a lot to see here. Within these

pages are Poems, friends, love, and life. This site

is very dear to me. It's my way of expressing my

feelings, and just killing time. *S*




To those of you returning I'm sure you will notice

there have been a few changes around here. I am

learning to make my own graphics so what you see

has been made by yours truly, unless otherwise

stated on the page.


I am currently going through all my pages one

by one and redoing them. This will take a bit

of time so if you stumble upon a dead link

chances are it will be fixed soon.



So pull you up a chair, pour you a cup of

coffee, and sit back and enjoy the ride. Oh,

don't forget the guestbook on your way out

so I'll know you've been here.



Suprise, this one is about me
Poems I have written, & some I just really like
My family, all the people that make me who I am
Just a few web ring I have joined
This site is dedicated to meeting my husband online
Some of my dearest friends
Jokes, Stories , & things
Awards I have won

Some places I like to visit when I have the time


A detailed way to surf my site


Good luck and happy hunting *S*.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope

to see you back again soon.



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