Ya know what guys? I'm bored. REALLY bored. AND tired, AND Punchy AND getting Felt Up. Aptly Titled Page, No? ;) Oh I'm just Kidding to all of you Wussies Crying out There over Reference to Sex.
I Need to Update in Here. Badly. And I shall; I have huge Revamps in Mind but I'm currently Battling a certain Evil known as a Transparent Gif. Everyone please clap your Hands and Think Happy thoughts so I can Fly! Oh Wait. I could Do that Anyway. And I'm not a Pixie. Whups. Guess Even the Devine Need sleep Occasionally, Huh?
For those of You Sweet Enough to Keep coming Back here, You get a great Big MWAH! For Those of You who have Given Up on Me: Sleep Tight tonight, my Dears. I have Wonderful Things in Mind With Morpheus. >;) ANYWAY! UPDATES TO COME SOON! We hope.
Hmm. I KNOW I went a little Nuts with the Cute little Gargole Bars...
Get Ready for Fright Night.
New Stuff! --19th January, 2001! That's right folks! An UPDATE!
Seeking the Written word? How about a Badly butchered Version of English? Look here.
Want to see an obscure joke rendered in Lead and Ink, drawn By, For, and About Myself and Others? Slap That little twinkle over there!
Come to the CrossRoads to see everything Else! It's one of my favorite lurking spots.. Anything that'll Lead outta this Place.
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Heh. I accidentally deleted my GuestBook. I are smart.

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Disclaimer time: None of these are Mine, except my Rendition of Hecate, which is better than Disney's Version anyways, and the Designs and Personality of one Finnvarra, King of the Sidhe; Actually, I s'pose He belongs to Celtic Mythology, but that Boy became mine when He Signed the Contract. >:) So, in all, no Offense is intended Here, and, to the Best of my Knowledge, I have Permission and gave Credit to Anything up Here that I didn't pull from the Twisted Recesses of the Lunch Time of My Mind. Please don't Sue, Because A) There's no Point in getting Letigious; if I Offended it was a Mistake, ( Well, the Concept of Stealing Someone's original Ideas. The Rest of it is all My Personality.) and B) The Joke would be On You if You did. I'm not Making any $$ from This, it's all for Fun, and I Work at a Dairy Queen (which Also isn't Mine) and Spend all My Free Time drawing Pictures and writing Stories for a Universe that only Exists in Cyberspace. Unless you want My Cat. Which You don't. :) I Bow down Before all that is Disney (except the Stuff I don't like) and Thank them humbly (Remember Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade folks!) for not Smiting me. Thank you for Indulging in my Ramble. Oh Yeah. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade belongs to Spielberg and Lucas and....:)