ABOUT ME: My name is Michele. I have been an elementary school
MY FAMILY: I have been married for the last 41
years to a A NEW CHAPTER IN MY LIFE: My son, Craig and his wife, Sandy, have brought the two most precious babies into this world. Morgan Hannah and Connor Joshua were born on October 14, 2003. Click here to see my grandchildren's page Morgan & Connor
MY HOBBIES: The Internet is one of my hobbies.
MY FRIENDS: I am, however, dedicating this page to the
secretary for the last 25 years. Kids are some of my favorite people!!
I live about 50 miles north of New York City. My husband
and I were both born and raised in the Bronx and have
lived in different parts of the country since being married
but we've settled here in New York -
not far from our "roots."
great guy. Bruce is a
salesman and is currently selling
a line of greeting cards. I have two
sons, Craig and Mike.
Please take a look at my tribute to my sons on"my
sons" page.
My older
son, Craig, is a Civil Engineer.
One of the highlights of my life was his wedding in March, 1998.
His wife, Sandy, is an attorney and I love her dearly.
Here are Craig and Sandy. Mike, my younger son,is a Comptroller for a large
payroll company and Mary Ellen is an archaeologist. Mike and Mary Ellen
were married in October of 2000. This was another highlight in my life.
In July 2006 they brought my beautiful granddaughter, Ilana Hailey
(named after my sister and my mom,) into this world.
I have two sisters and one brother.
One of my sisters, Isabel, was my role model, my mentor and
my best friend. Unfortunately, she passed away suddenly in September 2005.
I have some very special memories of my dear sister that I treasure.
My brother, Eddie, wasn't in my family for too long
but you need to read my brother story to find out why.....
I think you'll find it interesting (to say the least)!
Click here to see my sisters, brother and myself and our mates.
spend a lot of time in different newsgroups and playing on-line games.
I also do calligraphy. I find writing envelopes
for invitations or doing fancy poetry writing very relaxing.
I also am a collector of bears...especially Boyd's bears
--and have quite an extensive collection of stuffed bears and bearstones.
friends I've made along the Internet path of my life.
I had a WebTV for several years and have
made some wonderful and very supportive friends across the country through the WebTV.
I spent a lot of my time in several different newsgroups. It was in one of these groups that I got started on my homepage. For this, I sincerely thank those friends.