I dedicate these pages to our children - Our premature, stillborn, miscarried and newest baby. If you would like to meet our family, you can read their birth stories and look at photos of our children.

As it's 2001 I thought that I would finally make some changes to our Website. These pages have been slightly updated and I have added some photos, extra details and of course the story our most recent addition!!!

Ok, so if you haven't been here before let me introduce myself. I'm Judi and I live with my husband and 3 'living' children in New Zealand. After the loss of our son in 1998 I created a webpage to help me with my healing and to tell the world our children's stories. I still have to add more photos etc so if you find certain links that are not working, I should get them sorted soon! Please visit our family and sign the guestbook if you get a moment. Enjoy!!! Oh and if you would like, feel free to email us.

Acacia ~ Prem

Cayleb ~ Prem

Riley ~ Stillborn

Baby G ~ Miscarried

Bree ~ Our New Addition

Album Awards Apply for My Awards Webrings Links

The music playing on my 'bee' pages is called The Musicbox Dancer. It holds personal meaning for me as I have known and loved it since I was little.


This page, including background and graphics © to Judi

<BGSOUND SRC="musicbox1.mid" width=145 height=60 AUTOSTART=true LOOP=infinite HIDDEN=false>