Well folks, guess it's
"Family Portrait Time"!

...and I guess it wouldn't be proper to tell you..
this is the "Irishman, the Tart, and the Spawn", huh? *S*
BUT, I say that "lovingly", and it WAS about
a gazillion degrees at Gettysburg (Devil's Den)
that day, so this is the best you get! *S*

Getting a jump on
the Nascar Circuit!
AND..Practicing my croquet
as a future member of the
"Country Club Set"!

This one was the "Irishman's Lassie"!
...a real "Daddy's Girl"!

Now what can I tell you about our "Little Clown"? *S*
Abbey had quite a pair of shoes to fill,
but we found she didn't have to fill shoes,
...she found her own way to close the big
"hole in our hearts".

"We All Have Our Special Pets"
We all have are special pets in life; and yes, it not like the old days
when you could have an eagle or cougar and run the land. So in my heart,
I'd like to share a few moments with those pets we all love. Now granted,
some love cats; but this is about the love of dogs.
You see, I have such sweet and fond memories of the dogs I have had over
the years and how they touched my heart. So what I would like to do is
share what we all feel as we look at them and see the sparkle in their eyes.
When I was young, it really didn’t matter what kind of dog I had, but in my
heart I knew, like most little girls, just what I wanted. Well, the day came
and it was my first love of how a dog could listen and even understand a
young lady. It was something to see her turn her head, and I think she really
"knew" what I was saying. This is when I started to realize there was something
to my heritage. How we speak to, and handle animals, is the way people would
treat us. For you see, we, as people, never took nature away from the animals
we love - not even dogs. They still love us no matter what we say or even
how we treat them at times. They try so hard not to judge us or the
friends we have. But if we would only listen to them, as a friend, they
would tell us more than we have forgotten.
You see, I have so much love and strength today, for I know these
wonderful creatures love us all in their own way. So, have you hugged
or loved your dog today? He is still there when others run away!
You have to see we are truly blessed, for they put up with us, with
our ways everyday. So now stop, and put yourself in their place.
Break bread with them, for they are always in your heart.
So go now, and listen to the wind; for your dog hears, even when you
sleep. But remember he knows when you are home or alone, so hug
him - for he loves you like you are.
Dear God, I am blessed to still love from my heart!
Thank you for letting me "see" my dog..
written for me by:
Round Pen/TommyLee Osha

Over the years, I have also had my share
of, shall we say...strange pets? "Jim" the crow,
came to us and stayed for about 3 years.
He actually had a limited vocabulary. (Bet you
didn't know crows could talk, did ya?) He would
come into the house for my Grandmother,and
would come when she called him. After a few years
though, he left one day when my Uncle and Aunt
brought a new baby home from the hospital. Jim was
seen pacing back and forth on the chickenhouse roof
and mumbling to himself before he flew off.
He came back to visit a few times after that,
but never stayed long.

"Things Close to Tommi's Heart" come in all shapes and sizes!
This little number has been very good to me over the years. *S*
Still runs like a top, even with 'bout 80 thousand on it!

This is the famous "Black Whore"
She is my 1998 Harley Super Dyna Glide *S*
...and she also qualifies as something VERY close to my heart!

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