My Wonderful Journeys


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Hello! I'm so glad you came to visit. My name is Carole, and I live in the great state of New Jersey. My pages are all about my adventures. I have been very fortunate to see much of this wonderful, big world, and want to share it with you.

Come along, and help me relive my memories. Let's experience these wonderful places together. Just grab a cup of coffee, turn the lights down, sit back, take off your shoes, and relax. Let's begin our journey.

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Our Adventures in Ecuador

The Galapagos Islands

The Amazon Jungle

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Galapagos Islands Slide Show

Japan Slide Show

Nature's Adornments Slide Show

The Graveyard Slide Show

The Pumpkin Patch Slide Show

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Who Am I, You Ask?


If you like to read and learn about far away places, with strange sounding names, please come back soon to visit some other countries. I will be adding to this page on a regular basis.

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Thoughts to Ponder

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My Awards Page

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Thank you for visiting my pages. This site was built using WebTv Plus, and is best viewed on WebTv.

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