Makayla was my first child, my only child. She was born by emergency cesarean
at 34 weeks. My pregnancy was pretty routine the only thing the Doctor was
worried about was making it to that 34 week mark. I had surgery and my cervix
was a little short and they thought that maybe I would go into labor too
We never had any idea there was something going to be wrong with my
sweet little girl. Because of the shortened cervix I was at the hospital every
week having ultra sounds stress test and the works, everything was going fine
till March 20th. It was then that the Doctor discovered I had too much amino
They took an amino and drained off some of the fluid, and sent me to
genetic counseling. 10 long day's later the amino results were in, everything
was fine.
On Easter Sunday I thought maybe my water broke and went right to the
Hospital, again they said everything was fine. They hooked me up to an
ultrasound and the baby got an 8, the only way you can get a 10 is once the
baby is born. On Monday, April 20th this time my water did break. So I went to the
hospital and they did an emergency c-section, because the baby was laying sideways and
would not move. They still got an 8 on her profile heart rate was good. I thought
everything looked good.
When Makayla was born she was not able to breathe
sufficiently on her own and her muscle tone was very low. The neonatoligist
told us things didn't look good, they thought she had a form of MD but what
kind they did not know.
She stayed at the local hospital for one month then I
had her transferred to Children's in Philadelphia, Pa. They ran so many test, but
could not come up with exactly what was going on. The final diagnosis was SMA
1 which is always fatal. I had so hoped she would have one of the other forms
which her muscles got stronger as she grew. She really started to improve, and
I thought we were going to prove all these Doctors wrong. I was ready for
anything all I wanted was my baby home.
Monday, June 29, we met with the
Doctor and even he was surprised she was handling her feedings okay, and we
were preparing for her to have a trac done so we could bring her home. Somehow
during the night something went wrong and she started to show signs of nec in
which the bowel dies, she would have had to suffer terribly if the bowel
ruptured. The hardest decision to be made had finally come to remove her from
the ventilator. I held my sweet baby till she passed away. It was the hardest
thing I ever had to do but I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Pictures of Makayla
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Adopted: October 3,1999 |  | Stop Abortion Not A Beating Heart!
