Our Little Angels

Hi, I'm momofangel and I am Gabsmommy! We are creating these pages as a support system for anyone who has experienced the loss a child. (momofangel)- I lost my daughter Tiffany to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) when she was 1 mth and 21 days old. (Gabsmommy)- I lost Gabriel to a type of Cancer called (Medulloblastoma) when he was 8 mths and 25 days old. We have since become very interested in helping others try to cope with their loss. Losing a child is very devastating and we know the toll it takes on everyone who loved that child. Therefore we want to do something a little different and make this a support system for the entire family! Within these pages we hope to unite all of Our Little Angels Families together. We will have individual areas laid aside for (Moms, Grandmas, & Aunts), (Dads, Grandpas, & Uncles), & (Siblings). We believe that each one of the surviving family members need to know that others have been where they are and are willing to listen and share their stories of their Little Angel. It is our hope that we can all unite together as one big family and celebrate the fact that these children were and forever will be Our Little Angels! We look forward to meeting each one of you!

We are in the middle of creating our pages, so Please come back soon and visit us. Well we're off to Create. See ya Soon!

In the meantime you can visit momorangel's home on AOL by clicking on the banner below! Please feel free to take my banner to use on your page to show your support for the families of Our Little Angels! All I ask is that you link it back to Tiffany's homepage at:
If you would like to link it to one of my other pages, email me to let me know which page and I will be happy to send you the link! :o)

Or Stop By and Visit:

My Home For Gabriel


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