Welcome....to the Women With A Call Home Page

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Women With A Call is a Christ-Centered international women's outreach,
under the umbrella of Rose of Sharon Ministries, Inc., reaching women of all
socio-economic and racial backgrounds, who have made or are in the process
of making Jesus the center of their lives. A ministry which helps women to
identify the call of God upon their lives and/or give them directives regarding that call;

and for them to accept and move foreward in their call to ministry.

W.W.A.C.I. International Worldwide Branches

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If you would like to receive more information about W.W.A.C.I. Please write to:

WWACI P.O. Box 541564 Opa-Locka, FL. 33054 or call 1-800-WWACI 92.

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© 1997 u.williams@mailcity.com
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