hey, and welcome! There's just a few things here to look at now because, as usual, I'm pondering. Always pondering.

If you're interested, you can check out the archive of my Babe Pages. While I was pregnant and for a short time after the birth, I kept an online log of the festivities. Unfortunately, they haven't been updated for about two and a half years, but if you're interested in my daughter's early life, that is the link to click. It's like a trip down Memory Lane for me; to think she could have been called Jillian!

My gallery is another place you might find interesting. Some of the stuff there was done for clients, some for fun and some for my own edification. It's a lot of web and computer based stuff. If you'd rather get more crafty I have some images of little bead projects online as well.

Take a walk through my garden? Well, not now--it's damn cold and I left so many outdoor projects half-done; you might trip and hurt yourself. But you can see what we were up to summer, 2001.

Would you like to see highlights of our trip to England? All the links work here.

And that's about it. Really. I hope to start doing more here though so check in sometime, eh? I have a few new pages in the works. One is all those cute things Kira says. Awwww. And I hope to scan the pictures from our France trip and do a page. So there's lots to look forward to. I might even link to my fan fiction. Whoo-hoo! Ciao~

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