Touch the earth, love the earth, honor the earth:
      her plains, her valleys, her hills, and her seas;
        rest your spirit in her solitary places.
              Henry Beston

For a very insiring message,
and to let YOUR light shine,
please visitThis Page.

And another enlightening page, Earth Prayer.

Another nice verse - Love Yourself.

Thanks for dropping by. I hope you will enjoy your visit,
and will come back soon. Things will be changing often
as my thoughts come together building this site.
I hope to share some of my experiences, and in so doing
perhaps give you something enjoyable and worthwhile.

Walk in Peace!

here to explore more of my home on the web.

Capricorn Globe
Globe courtesy of Cranky Angel Web Creations.


Responsible, Determined
And Patient Best Describe
My Character. I'm Ambitious
and Want To Succeed. Some
Call Me Cold; Reserved Might
Be Better For My Feelings Are

~ December 22 - January 20 ~

Emblem of consistency,
perseverance, and good health.

I have joined some wonderful Webrings.
Please go [HERE] to see them,
and perhaps visit some of their sites.

I received these two beautiful gifts from a lovely lady!

Capri Globe Capri Globe 2

Thank you Tigress!

Family-Friendly Site

This site Copyright (c) 1999/2000/2001, Caprion.

Lake Applet program courtesy of

Graphic used in applet, background and bars made
from graphics obtained at Graphics of Bearchele.

Created by especially for Caprion.

Designed by a member of The HTML Writers Guild

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