"As Long As You're Happy Practicing And Believing In Your Religion, Then It Is Doing What Religion Is Supposed To Do...Making You Happy." ~ Luna WindRider |
Luna's Light In The Night |
The word can conjour, in the minds of the unknowing, visions of old wart-faced women gathered around a big black cauldron in the middle of the night, cackling and whispering words of unknown origin as they stirred the pot and it's contents round and round. Visions of them straddling their brooms and flying into the night, their black silouhettes showing their pointed hats and tattered dresses. Do you cross them? Do you speak ill of them? Oh no, for curses will reak havoc on you and your loved ones. So you whisper only of them in confidence to your close friends who happen to have the same type of mind...unknowing. These are the halloween and paranoid images that people have gotten used to in our culture. This is not how it really is.
But, hopefully, the people of today are becomming more & more educated in what witchcraft is. Some people call it the Craft. The name of the religion is Wicca. And yes, it is a religion. Nationally recognised by the government of the United States of America.
There are so many misconceptions about being a witch. Hopefully, with all the information out there today, these misconceptions can be squelched. Witches today are young and old, of all races and creed, and have one thing in common. Their love for the Goddess.
So, come here to learn. Come here to ask questions. And most certainly, come here to relax. The information I hope to provide you will help you in your quest for knowledge, or maybe will just help to satisfy your curiousity.
Blessed Be. |
The Pentacle: What does it mean?
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Herbs & Teas: Advice for what you need. |
Just starting to find your path? Here are some EXCELLENT Tips For Solitary Witches. |
Witch Misconceptions: Who we are and who we are not, and why some choose to embrace the word "witch". |
Under Construction |
Esbats & Sabbats: What they are and how we celebrate them. |
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Luna's Personal Circle: My Bio Page |
Some Crafty little links: |
The Witches Voice - a must-see for every person who is or who wants to know about witches The Pagan Corners - a nice sight for every pagan out there Horns and Crescent Newsletter - goings-on in the New England area for folk interested in Wiccan, Pagan, and other Goddess-based spiritual pursuits. Avatar Search - search engine of the occult internet SaintWolf's Website - ok, this site is just plain cool. There is a plethora of information here on everything! |
Email me! |
Like what you see here? Feel free to "grab" a banner and link my page to yours! E-Mail me to let me know. B*B |
internet addicts have zoomed through here since 8/25/99. Hopefully, no one tripped, fell & got hurt. |