Corrie's Haven of Dissociation
Hello and welcome to my world.
It can be a very dark place, but don't be afraid.
There be protectors here.
A word of caution: I do not consider dissociation to be a disorder. The term DID is used only for convenience on this site. Also, since my faith is as much a part of me as my dissociation, Christianity will be discussed without spoilers.
Introductions Are In Order
My name is Corrie Sawyer. I am the muse alter of a dissociative identity system. I am actually harmless. I rarely, if ever, venture outside my home. I prefer solitude ... no, I require solitude. It is my job to record and process all information for all factions of the system. It has never been my responsibility to share that information or to decide who needs to know what.
There are some who would deny the existence of alternate personalities. There are some who scoff and thumb their noses at the very idea. To those with this luxurious belief, I can only say this,
"Be grateful that your life hasn't followed the rocky paths that others have had to endure."
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things." (Philippians 4:8, NIV)
Sneak Preview of Corrie's Haven 2000 . Still under construction, but feel free to have a look around.
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