BETA SIGMA PHI California Tau Beta, Santa Cruz #5131
Most photos on this site are enlarged by clicking on the photo. Click your "back" button to reduce and go back to the page. BETA SIGMA PHI is an international women's friendship network founded April 30, 1931 in Abilene, Kansas. The greek words, Beta Sigma Phi, means Life, Learning, and Friendship, respectively. There is over 250,000 members and 12,500 chapters in 32 countries. The colors of Beta Sigma Phi are black and gold, and the flower is the yellow rose. Our sorority provides educational programs to its members and opportunities for service to others. We are made up of women of all ages, interests, and educational and economic backgrounds. Beta Sigma Phi is the largest organization of it's kind in the world. For membership information call Beta Sigma Phi International 1-888-567-BETA or click on Beta Sigma Phi Welcome to the Tau Beta Web site! Tau Beta was organized on May 8, 1956. The formal Pledge Ritual and Installation were held in the Gold room of the Palomar Hotel. Elsie Guenther, Beta Sigma Phi International, Kansas City, Missouri presided over the Pledge Ritual for eleven chapter members. Assisting Elsie were three Watsonville members from Delta Phi and Xi Beta Epsilon and two transferees, Mrs. Van Moorage and Lauren Kocsis. A twelth member who received a later Ritual, plus two transferees also consisted of the chapter's Charter Members. Charter members of Tau Beta are: Stella Ghio, Recording Secretary Mrs. James Gwinn, Vice President Carolee Hayford, Larri Kocsis, Joan Kranich, Treasurer Sally McMurry, Mrs. Van Morgan, President Shirley Muir, Barbara Pedemonte, Lillian Pinheiro, Corresponding Secretary Betty Santos, Bunny Stagnaro, Patricia Tolaio, Mrs. Gene Vaughn Honorary Members: Sponsor Elsie Devins & Director Doris Maddock
PS: Tau Beta is the founding chapter of Santa Cruz, and was the only chapter in Santa Cruz for nine years. Click on Beta Sigma Phi to link to the Beta Sigma Phi International home page. View Guestbook To sign our Guestbook: currently out of order, please email us at the address provided below, thank you! Contact Information: