Hello, and welcome to my storm. My name is Tricia and I am an Adult Survivor of child abuse. I started this website to give myself as well as others a place to leave all their troubles and worries, so they could then go back to life with less on their shoulders then when they got here. The abuse I suffered was more mental than physical and lasted from the time I was 11 years old, till age 27. The major problem I had with this person, was the authority that he commanded. I am a person of little self esteem, and have always looked to others to "guide" my way. Unfortunately, in doing this, I have allowed others to diminish my "capabilities" and have had to rely on the "wisdom" of others to guide my way.
In my storm, this is where it all begins. The clouds rolling in, never fast or too slow, but in a methodical way over time. This is how my relationships started to deteriorate. I have never really found a way to overcome my fears dealing with the relationships I now face as an adult, always reverting back to those days when the authority figure in my life commanded my actions. This has spiraled almost all of my relationships with others into a downward motion. As we all know in relationships, one must give to recieve. One must love to be loved. One must Trust to be trusted. Although my reasons for mistrust are valid and real, my lack of trust and misguidance through the years has left me no more than a shell of the person I think everyone wants to see. Obviously, this is not the correct way to go about things, but it is the only one I have learned.
The purpose of this website is to learn by communication. My stormy life of relationships, has brought me to a point of almost shear destruction of myself and all that I love. If I can make a difference in just one small life, somehow, my storm will then have had some meaning.
As the storm moves and follows around you please be assured that nothing you read will harm you in any way. My only intention is to help others by helping myself, through communication. At the other end of the storm lies a rainbow, full of hope, without desperation and despair
I can hear the roar of the thunder, as the clouds loom overhead, darkening the skies to my world. I am the adult in the shell of a person, whom I don't even know. That adult has children, and functions socially, but never really quite sure what is true, and what is trustworthy. The relationships I have formed are pure , and whimsical in the sense that friendship and love go hand in hand. Parent child relationships have suffered tremendously since the parent is still a child seeking approval. The winds kick up and blow around the leaves on the trees as the storm grows ever closer.
Through it all, from beginning to end, Please know that you are safe. My storm cannot harm you in anyway. It is only here to provide a written memorial to lifes struggles. Leave all your worries on the next few pages as I have done, so that together, we may embark on a better outlook to a better future, where the rainbow is waiting for us.
PLEASE NOTE: This site may not be suitable for all audiences since the topic of relationships stems from childhood sexual and mental abuse. Please use good judgement when viewing this site. Thank You.
Storm Central
This website is my story and my opions. I am not a Psychologist, nor do I have any medical certifications. If you feel you need help, with your storm, or relationship, Please seek a qualified Professional.
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