
Love, Peace and Prayers from Liz

REST EASY If you or someone you love suffers from endometriosis you are not alone!! If you have experienced frustration and isolation, I understand. I'd like to share my story and some links that can help you find the support and information you need to battle endometriosis! I keep a prayer list for all needs for sufferers of endometriosis or anything else. Visit Prayers From Liz, linked below or Email me at and I'll add you to the list and write you back. I believe that all things are possible with God !! I believe that we can create something good from our endometriosis experience only when we share our story and fight for change. I urge you all to get in touch with someone else with endo. and find and give support and guidance. I urge you to tell at least one person about endo. so that we can bring awareness to it. You want a cure. I want a cure. We need to stick together, we need to be heard. I am here for anyone who ever wants to talk and I won't pass judgement on your choices; I will just listen! Do you know that much of the information we receive about endometriosis is not accurate? Get the scoop from fellow endo. sufferers at WITSENDO and the ENDMETRIOSIS ASSOCIATION...Knowledge is Power! HYSTERECTOMY Questions? Visit the CENTER FOR ENDOMETRIOSIS CARE and the ATLANTA REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CENTER for the BEST. Considering LUPRON? I will give you sites that will teach you that lupron is not a cure for endometriosis. Visit the ENDO. QUILT at for a reminder that you are not alone...we are in this together and we will overcome it. I dedicate my efforts to the surgeon that took so much of my life away by letting his ego get in the way of his purpose. I send my energy to him in hopes that he will realize that he should admit the limit of his capabilities and bow out when he cannot offer optimal care. I hope and pray and plead for you all to trust your instincts and leave any physicians behind who will not respect you and your very medical problem.........................MY ADVENTURE IN ENDO....I used to have pain all of my adult life. There have always been times of remission but never complete relief. Many of you know all about that kind of pain. I did not know that periods were not supposed to cripple a woman and I didn't complain much. My problems were found when I had my tubes tied after my second child. (Childbirth was difficult for me) My surgeon found dense adhesions and callled it PID. From that point I had surgery every six months for lower quadrant pain. My surgeon assured me that each surgery would be the last and finally diagnosed endo after the 6th. He promised a hysterectomy was a cure and I agreed to have it done; TAH/BSO. 4 months later another scope revealed endo. on my upper illiac structures and ureter. I underwent lupron therapy for that which I go into detail about on page 2. I suffered on with the same pain I had with my ovaries and uterus and now they were gone and the pain remained!! Finaly I went to a talented Endocronologist and a gynecological oncologist at Beth Israel in Boston for extensive lysis of adhesions encompassing all the organs I had left. They explained to me that each time my previous surgeon "went in" he left something behind. My pain came back briefly but not as strong and I have been pain free for quite some time now.I do not take estrogen so I do suffer from hot flashes and mood swings and only calcium is on my med list. I feel good not being on pain meds. I believe the talent of the last surgeons, faith, and a new attitude really helped. I want to tell you all that if I knew anything about enodmetriosis when I was facing such vital decisions as hysterectomy I would have done everything different. But I learned too late. After the hysterectomy I discovered the Endometriosis Association and Witsendo. I have learned about my disease for myself. I thank these groups and the hundreds of women I have had contact with. Knowledge and fellowship have given me weapons in the fight against endometriosis. It is my desire to allow no woman to be without the information and resources she needs in order to make vital decisions for her health care . Arm yourself with all you need to know to help your physician help you...PERSONAL MESSAGE:... When life is tough and I wonder what on earth is the point, I sit back and remember that God is with me through it all. "Be still and know that I am God"

"Dear Doctor" A poem by Liz Violette in the midst of the endometriosis insanity................................................................... Do you have a daughter? A wife? One terrible word could change her whole life. Endometriosis she tells you the doctor told her And suddenly nothing will be as it were. Frustration, misinformation, and pain she will know When she asks you, dear doctor, where will you tell her to go? She'll turn to the expert and you say that is you What, dear doctor, will you tell her to do? Will you tell her to just wait and see? Will you tell her to just lose her ovary? Or maybe suggest pregnancy? Hysterectomy? Would you encourage the use of a drug unsafe or unknown? Or suggest STRESS or DEPRESSION or some FAULT of her own? No!!!! You would, dear doctor, educate the both of you. You would, dear doctor, advise but listen to. You would, dear doctor, speak works kind but true. You could, dear doctor, treat me that way too.



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