Anger pent up
Turns to hurt
Protections turn
To absurdity
Love turns to
For it has to
No memories of good times
Pictures flash through
My mind
No-one good
More fear and terror
half memories
by stinkrbl ©1996
copyright all rights reserved
I am cold, I shiver with fear
from inside out although he's not near
I feel his hands on me prodding and poking
and the long fingers roughly stroking...
Ghost of the Perp
Coming back to Prey
Only he can't hurt me
But I whisper a Prayer
He makes me remember
Since the beginning of September
Although he's alive his soul is not
I know too well, his days are running out
The Ghost of the perp
Coming back to Prey
Only he can't hurt me
But I whisper a Prayer
The slimy feel of his wetness
over my body it rushes
To my horrified feeling my mind it leaves
My soul is gone and then comes the eve
Ghost of the Perp
Coming back to Prey
Only he cant hurt me
But I whisper a prayer
His gaze at me were cold
But my hatred is becoming old
He bid me adieu, but not before saying
If you tell, there will be some Slaying
Ghost of the Perp
Coming back to Prey
Only he cant hurt me
But I whisper a Prayer.
written by Bev aka Ibedeaf
This day on Dec 9, 1998
©copyright all rights reserved
Answer Yes
And there will be more
soft touches
Answer No
And there will be no
Kind words
No love
No daddy
So what's the answer
Yes or No?
Links to other sites on the Web
stinkrbl's haven for me
Sofine animated gifs
I am Spreading My Wings and Flying
Book-list for Survivors of Abuse
©1997 copyright all rights reservedstinkrbl@bellsouth.net