Seeds of Thought![]() (this many people have stumbled across this site) Geocities |
Seeds of Thought- December 8, in which she discusses why she's not right. Speechless- five friends on a vacation from their lives, each of them waiting to find the words they need to go back Rose Petals- find out about a few of my quirks, possibly shed some light on why this is the way it is. Was Ob- (Updated updated updated!) because people don't seem to think much anymore, here's a game to test your skills. questions like "If all the world was pretzels and spinach dip, what would we have to drink?" "If you were ruler of the free world, how would you handle alien invasion?" and "What do you fear most?" Roots- at a loss for where to go next? here are some suggestions. Includes obsessions, friends, and idols (aka- internet gods and godesses) Sign Guestbook- if I begged, wouldja do it? Please. Pretty pretty please with vanilla ice cream, cherries, Dots, licorice bits, peanut buttter cups, caramel sauce, and finally- for those sweet teeth out there- sugar on top? View Guestbook- Personally, I enjoy doing this. Email me- with questions,
answers, suggestions, complaints, useless facts, useful facts, advice,
compliments, fan mail, love letters, etc.