The Acacia Tree



This is our home!!

Our House.jpg (52873 bytes)   

Anyone want to buy it?!

We just closed a deal on this place:

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This begins a new chapter of our lives, and we are excited about what the future holds.

    Thank you for dropping by.

    I have created this page so that friends and family all over the world (Scotland, Italy, Hong Kong, Singapore, USA and of course Canada) can look in to see how the family is growing.  There are five of us now and we all have our own hobbies and interests.  Take a look into their pages.   

   Acacia-5@ picnic.jpg (61133 bytes)



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 Sandra  - This is me!  A little bit of everything.  Well that is, what I want to tell you. <wink>

My website contains my family and hobbies.  My hobbies are cross stitching, gardening, and photography.  Most photos on these pages are taken by me.

Age 2


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Paul  - This is Paul as I know him.  His page will grow slowly.


Age 2



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Moira  - Moira's page contains pictures of her and a few links that she is interested in.  Her love right now is Winnie the Pooh!

 Age 2


Sarah  - Sarah's page contains her ultrasound and pictures of her.  Her big thrill right now is Blue's Clues!  She asks for her video everyday.


Age 2


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Sebastian  - In these pages are photo's of Sebastian's in all our family outings.  No links at the moment, He doesn't even know what the internet is yet!



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Thank you for visiting!


Email me at and please give me feedback or advice.

This page was last updated on 11/08/00.