Mellie's Soul

The things you fear
are  undefeatable
not by their nature
but by your approach.
~Jewel Kilcher

Doorways To My Soul

"And it's me who is my enemy,
me who beats me up,
me who makes the monsters,
me who strips my confidence..."
~Paula Cole

Where there's peace on earth,
there are angels in the heavens.

True beauty shines from the soul
and warms the world with its
kindness, compassion, and integrity.

Tender little memories of some word
or deed give us strength and courage
when we are in need.
~Helen Steiner Rice

It is empowering to know you can
create that which you desire.
~Rose Offner

Love seeks one thing only:
the good of the one loved.
It leaves all the other
secondary effects to take
care of themselves.
Love, therefore,
is its own reward.
~Thomas Merton

All that we send into the lives
of others comes back into
our own.
~Edwin Markham

Last Dance
There are in the end three things that last:
Faith, Hope, and Love, and the
greatest of these is Love.
                  I Corinthians 13:13

 One of the best times of my life..and more to come *smile*.

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*Banner was created by my very sweet friend Troy. *smile*Thanks babe!*

Most of the graphics on this page are copy-righted.  I take no credit for any of the graphics used on my page or any sections of my page.  I give total credit to the artists who created these images.  And I also thank those artists for their wonderful creative abilities...thank you.
Mystie* 1998©