
Pronunciation: 'jA-s&n

History:  In high school I was in love with my best friend Jason, who I had met when we were both in 7th grade.  He sat behind me in social studies.  Although we were on again, off again, I was head over heels in love with this guy.  I wrote his name all over everything.  My book covers, my binder, inside my high school locker, just like any other foolish teenager in love.  I wanted to hear his name ALL the time.  In 1991 at the request of a friend, I started playing Dungeons and Dragons, and I had chosen to play an elven wizard.  It looked dumb to name my character Jason (even though there was a popular actress at the time named Jennifer Jason Leigh), so I played around with phonetics and came out with Jei (jA) senne (sen) and gave her the surname of Naerisse (Nay-rees) and thus Jeisenne Naerisse came to be born.  I loved it because it was original, unique, and it has an exotic feel to it.

Jason and I broke up for the last time in January of 1993, and the last time I saw him was December of 1995.  I have not heard from him since.  But the name Jeisenne will live forever.