Godey's LadyA Victorian Resting Place
Welcome to my Victorian Resting Place. A Place where people who are just a little tired of the 20th century and would like to rest for just a little while in the 19th century when life was a little slower and softer!
I hope to have Godey's Ladys Book Fashion Plates, lifestyles and information
on Victorian life. I work as a tour guide at an 1860's home and my husband and I belong to a Contra Dance Group that does 1860's dances in costume.
Please let me know your interest and what you might like to see on my site.
The following links will take you to different pages at my *home* or at the bottom of the page I placed a table to aid you in your tour. Please visit each and ENJOY
I would also like to say something about graphics. I have found some of the most beautiful graphics to use at my *home* and have tried to give credit to the wonderful people who created them! BUT I have saved so many and tried to list as I saved. Well, you know about paper! I have lost so many lists. If you see graphics here that belong to you, PLEASE let me know so I can provide a link to your site! I strongly believe in giving credit where credit is due, so please let me know!!
It has been my dream for quite some time to have group for victorian lovers like the other groups I belong to. A place where we could gather to share our love of the victorian era. Starting on such a task was more than I could handle, but in discussing my idea with Michele of Victorian Background and Images, she agreed to be a co-founder and out of this dream, The Victorian Gathering Place was born.
I invite you to follow the link below and see if you would like to be a member and join the fun. We have a lot going on and would love to have you join us!
Do you believe in dreams coming true? I do now! Thanks to Starr Lyn, I now have a graphics site! To visit Godey's Lady Graphics, click on the link below.
The following link will take you to my Tribute To My Rose of Sharon Sisters! I started with one page, but as it grows I can see it will soon be two or three! I urge you to take a few moments to visit these pages and find out what LOVE is!
The following link will take you to my link to my TRIBUTE TO ESTHER. Esther is a wonderful group of ladies I belong to and hope after you view my Tribute to them you will also want to join.
Follow the link below to my Tribute to Sisters of Compassion. Out of Compassion Grows Love!
I received an e-mail from friends in Japan and made this page as a Tribute to National Friendship Week. Please visit and read! It really touched my heart!
The above link will take you to my Fashion Chronology page. This will take some time to finish, so visit often to see how far I have come!!
The above link will take you to my Tidbits page where I have little tidbits from our victorian Grandmothers lives and times. The first is, "Whipping Wives! Please return often to see other tidbits!!
The link below will take you to my holidays page. I will have pages for each holiday as it comes. Come back to see our the Victorians celebrated the holidays.
George Washington and Abraham Lincoln's Birthdays have now been combined to become President's Day! I have recipes for each birthday, Lincoln Logs and Cherry recipes! Just click on the flag below to Honor President's Day.
Valentine's Day is a *special* for lovers. Click the heart below to see my Valentine's Day Celebration.
St. Patrick's Day is a *special* day for Irish FOOD! I don't know about you, but I LOVE Irish food. Follow the link below for some great March 17th recipes.
The above link will take you to my Awards page. I have been selected for some very lovely awards and want to THANK each of the people who thought my *home* was worthy of their award!
The following link will take you to my Adopted Angel Page. I have adopted angels to support causes I believe in. Please visit and maybe you will want to adopt an angel for yourself!
© 1997 msh@sheltonbbs.com
A very special THANK YOU to Sandy of SANDY'S GRAPHICS for the beautiful graphics on my pages!
The Calling Card below was created for me by Sandy of SANDY'S GRAPHICS. I will be making a Calling Card Page soon. Visit Sandy's Graphics Link above for some *beautiful* graphics!