To Mika's Homesite

"mild mannered reporter by day"

My favourite links

Investigative Journalism on the Net

Look for me in Austnet's trivbot, or Undernet's MP3-Oldies

The Owen Sound Sun Times

Frank Niemeir's journalism resources

I'd love to put together a James Taylor section but I could in no way top these sites. I bow to their greater presence.

James Taylor Online
All things JT, tour dates, info, chat room and more and more and more.

Scott Adams' World
the most excellent JT rarities.. In MP3 format

Stringbean will be in Toronto at Roy Thomson Hall October 1,2 1999 with the Toronto Symphony

You may have noticed Kevin Sorbo on this page. While not immediately apparent...other guys do catch my eye. Check them out.

Drop me a line - I'd love to hear from you!

Or page me on ICQ

Please let me know you visited by signing my guestbook.

Guestbook by GuestWorld

None of this would be possible without the genius of my friend Kelly. Many thanks to my internet and council partner in crime. Please visit her incredible award winning site by clicking here.

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