
Jonathan Peter
(0-4 mo.)
 (4-6 mo.)
(6-8 mo.)
1st Halloween
(9-12 mo.)
1st Birthday
(12-14 mo.)
Family Vacation (5/99)
1.5 - 2.5 yrs.

11wks, 14.5 mo., & 2 yrs.
Four years old
Five years old

Benjamen David
Birth Story
Birth Day Photos
(0-4 mo.)
(4-7 mo.)
1st Haircut

2nd Birthday
3rd Birthday

Benjamen and Jonathan Photos

Spring 2001

April 2001 Museums

Summer 2001

Autumn 2001

Nicholas Jacob
Birth Day
1st Birthday

1st 2002 Snow

Nov. '02 - Feb. '03

February 2003

February 20th, 2003

Wedding, April 2003

Spring 2003

Mama's Baby Photo
Papa's Baby Photos

Dolls I'm Making


The Men & Me

Welcome to Our Photo Album.

I'm J, mama to Jonathan Peter (born late February of 1998), Benjamen David (born early May of 2000) , and Nicholas Jacob (born late June of 2002), wife to Dan. Our friends and family are scattered throughout the country, and I've created this webpage so that they can all keep up with the boys' growth and enjoy their progress right along with us.

We hope you enjoy viewing our photos!

Birthday Portraits! (click images for more):

Benjamen on his 3rd Birthday and Jonathan on his 5th

Nicholas, on his 1st Birthday

Our latest formal family portrait, 07/01:

(Nicholas was just a twinkle in our eye)

and an informal one, from a family wedding, April '03:

Click for more wedding photos.

Email us!