98ºHOTThis site contains extremely HOT pictures, infos, lyrics, snapped images, and news about the hottest group, 98º. Please proceed with caution.

98º Official Video & Book

are already out...don't miss out!!!

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This page was launched in May of 1999 in celebration of the success of 98º. They have inspired and moved a lot of people especially in their sophomore album 98º and Rising. Now the album had gone Double Platinum with the help of their supporters and hard core fans, like me and probably you. That is why this page is dedicated to the amazing, astounding, butt-kicking group (and in no way a 'typical boy band')who else... 98º and their ever-faithful fans.

Here are some tips for you to enjoy your stay here. Check out the Test to find out if you are a 98º addict. Then check out the Gallery to see some interesting pictures. And don't forget to drop by the Highlights page to check out snapped images of the guys from TV appearances and videos.

Please don't forget to sign my guestbook. Suggestions and comments are always welcome. If you like any of the images here, go ahead and use it but please do the right thing. Please give credit and link this site to yours. Thanks in advance.

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98º Sizzlin' Site Fight

Watch out for the following Magazines because 98º will soon be on their covers : Teen, Twist, Teen Celebrity, and React.
At last your Christmas this year wouldn't be as cold as your previous ones because the group's 3rd album entitled 98º...This Christmas will be released in October.
This Gift,is the group's next single from their Christmas album.

I received an email from another fan who might get to meet the guys in November. Here's what she has to say:

Hey I am Heather and I am 15. I really like your website! I love 98*! I am seeing them in concert on Nov. 7th and I may get to meet them! I was wondering if ya wanna send me a letter for a book I am putting together...I really wanna make them a book with a lot of letters because I know they have a lotta fans. If ya wanna send me a letter them e-mail me back. You can do it by either e-mail or snail mail. If you want to help me out, then you can advertise this on your website! E-mail me back soon Love *~*heather

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