Sheryl's World

This is a way for you to get to know me and my family.

I graduated this year from JCC in 2007. I am a single mom of three wonderful children. I have an awsome boyfriend, Ray. He is the love of my life. I am currently working at Tim's Market. I like my job and the people I work with.

Becky is in the 6th grade this year. She had been homeschooled until this past year. She is doing so well. Her report card shows great improvement. She also has adjusted to public school very well.
Keith is graduating in the end of May then he is going to work at Cedar Point in Ohio. He is so excited for his job. I am actually excited for him to go. I think it will be good for him and will help prepare him for adulthood.
Matthew is living with me still. He is having a hard time getting a good job. Hopefully he will be able to find something soon. He keeps talking about going back to Florida to live with his grandparents. So, he may end up doing that.

On May 29,2002 my Granny passed away. It has now been 6 years. Some days it seems like forever and others it seems like yesterday. There is an Everlasting Memorial for her at Mem.Com. If you are interested in seeing her Memorial please click Here.

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Also add me to your Yahoo IM or to your AIM lists if you want to chat sometime.
Yahoo IM: ladypiedpiper
AIM: ladypiedpiper

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This page was last updated on April 19, 2008.