A Little About Me
I am 44 years old and live in Rochester, NY. I have wonderful son who is 7 years old. He is a very busy and inquisitive boy who keeps me on my toes. I work as a Financial Analyst. My job is terrific as is the company that I work for. I have my own web page design business "Rainbow Web Design".
My interests include:
Reading, Plays-Musicals (the last play that I saw was "Les Miserables" in Toronto in October 1998...it was magnificent!), Lladros, Counted Cross Stitch, Traveling, Football (favorite team: Buffalo Bills), Chatting with my friends - old and new (my favorite places are at Yahoo and on ICQ ). I have recently found a Video Poker game at Excite and am totally addicted! LOL
Since this web site is an ongoing process, please stop back and see what I have added. I hope that you enjoy your visit!!
to Ponder (June 6, 2000)
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I would like to thank a very good friend of mine for the use of his photograph of the flower for my web page. I truly appreciate it. It was a joy to create the background, line, and buttons because of the flowers' beauty.
1998,1999,2000: Lori,
All Rights Reserved. Please do not take the background, lines, or buttons without
asking me.
This page was last updated: 10/12/00