Imagination!...when the light of sense
Goes out in flashes that...[show] to us
The invisible world...
--W. Wordsworth, "Prelude"

Hi I'm StampCas.
Welcome! Thanks for taking the time to visit my web site, hope you'll find it enjoyable!
I actually have a degree in Civil Engineering but changed careers ages ago! For a long time now I've been both a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and a translator. This home page is a dream come true thanks to Stargazer, a stamper and a friend of mine. Stampers' generosity has no limits and I'm so proud to be part of such a caring and loving bunch of people! My interests are:
Rubberstamps, art, poetry, languages, penpalling, listening to music, and travelling.
I've put a few samples of my rubberstamp artwork and poetry here. I like adding my poems to my stamped cards. Most of my poems are in Portuguese since that's my native language, but I also write them in English and, sometimes, even in French.

English translation:
"Desire has gotten many colors and it travels as fast as one's thoughts. It resists time, it conquers spaces but it can't resist a kiss..."
English translation:
"There are so many stars in your eyes and I, trying to touch them, dive into you. Oh, there's so much light in your soul!..."

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Stamp Cas' Humurous Art

Stamp Cas' İPoems

Stamp Cas' Surreal Art Page!

Stargazer's Rubber Art

This page updated 10/23/98

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