I teach ENGLISH in a state secondary college in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
Melbourne is the capital of Victoria on the east coast of Australia.

I live in Eaglemont which is a quiet little suburb about 9 miles from the centre of Melbourne.

I live with my father, as he needs some care, our cat Poppy who is 18 this year and my beautiful Maltese-Shitzu cross puppy. Her name is CHERUB and she is 12 months old.
I am also working to complete my Masters of Education this year, and the beginnings of this home page was part of an assignment.

My main interests are: travelling, see the PLACES I have visited and enjoyed.
sewing and embroidery, particularly silk ribbon embroidery, detective fiction with female protagonists, written by women, as well as historical romance novels (for light relief). I like to surf the net, collect recipes and cook. I have put some of my favourite RECIPES on this page

I also like to watch television.. My favourite shows are Days of Our Lives, The Young and The Restless (both of which I watch every day), as well as Hercules, Friends and Suddenly Susan, and Good Guys Bad Guys. An Australian production, staring the gorgeous Marcus Graham. See pictures of some of my FAVOURITE ACTORS.

The college I teach at has just established a web presence. I created it. If you would like to have a look here is a link Mooroolbark Heights Secondary College

This is my first attempt at a web page and I have written all the HTML from scratch. This will lead you to a variety of sources to help you write your own page as well.WEB RESOURCES

Some of my graphics were made by a MOUSE.

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