Heart Bonds

November 19, 2007
Sit back and enjoy your visit with a nice cup of tea!
I have touched on subjects that are dear to my heart!
ENGLAND (Devon, Cornwall) is featured
my husband's dad's family is descended from John, the youngest son
of Richard,
the first MANICOM who used OUR spelling of the name.
There are many surname variations, some dating back to the 1200s!!
I've also got a few photographs of some beautiful, meaningful spots!

ONTARIO is featured because the areas of
~ Sarnia, Adelaide Township, Camlachie ~
are where
my husband's dad's grandparents settled
when they arrived from Cornwall England and Scotland.
~ McNab Township, Renfrew and Horton Township ~
are where
my dad's
ancestors settled when they arrived from Lanark & Perthshire Scotland.

I've always been very interested in the great story of Nicholas & Alexandra,
as well as the story of Grand Duchess Anastasia ~ ~ ~
so I've featured some of my favourite ROMANOV photos.
MARY O'HARA: Musical Voice of Ireland ~ Celtic harpist/singer/writer.
The Queen Charlotte Islands, off the coast of BC,
hold a special place in my personal memories, as I lived there from the age of 4 to 8.
PORT ROYAL ~~ The original Acadian settlement in Nova Scotia.
Most of Ed's mom's ancestors are the original Acadian settlers from France!
GALLERY of FINE ART ~ Ed's Original Watercolour Paintings!
I was diagnosed in September 1996 with
DILATED CARDIOMYOPATHY, a very unusual heart disease!
JON'S PLACE -- the BEST site on the Net for info on Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
On May 27, 1988, our daughter, Sharon Lydia Grace, was stillborn ~
I have a memorial section for her.

I have slowly put 'COUNTRY ACCENTS' all over my home.
Everything from cuddly teddies to frivolous hearts to hand-made country dolls!
All sorts of nostalgic touches!
I find they lend a home a warm, cozy and welcoming atmosphere, which I love!
I could NEVER have created this WebPage without LOTS of HELP
from talented 'artists' on the Web!
Links for Wonderful Graphics that I have Used !!


Moyra's Web Jewels provided the lovely background set you see here!

Acadian Surname List & Brief History
Family History
Favourite Reading Treasures
God is Love ~ Christian Journey
Lanarkshire Scotland Connections
Lancashire England Connections
Our Family Surname Variations/Stories/World-wide Connections
Perthshire Scotland Connections
Royal Connections to Robert the Bruce of Scotland
Yorkshire England Connections
Anne of Green Gables
Avonlea Memories
Mousekins' Rooms (Alexandra, Anastasia, Victoriana & Winterbottom)
Rachel's BEANIES
Rachel's Guinea Pig ~ SNUFFLEUFFIGUS
Rachel's ROOM
Winnie the Pooh