Student Self Portraits
Ms. Kadota
Welcome to a celebration of my 6 and 7 year old student's artwork. If you have come looking for 'talented' art, you won't find it here. What you will find are examples of 'developmentally' appropriate artwork. Look for the beauty in the children's uncomplicated perception of self, and how they've chosen to express themselves to the world around them.
Ms. Kadota
First Grade
At this age, the kids are excited about EVERYTHING! They like bright, colorful, simple, uncomplicated activities and experiences. They are instinctive designers and creators who enjoy fantasy and make-believe and like to play, pretend and use their vivid imaginations.
Alfonso and Jeremy
April Sariah
A child's first renderings of the human figure are represented by geometric shapes; circles for the head, eyes, mouth, feet, hands. Lines for arms and legs with the arms and legs often growing from the head. These first attempts are important avenues of communication for the child.
Matthew Shauntell and Sumulata Chantel
Children include parts that are important and meaningful to them, often greatly exaggerated, while leaving out parts that are unimportant.
Sidra and Steve
Erricc and Jose
The selection of color has to do solely with aesthetic appeal. There is little relationship between the color selected and the objects they represent; faces could be orange, and grass may well be purple.
Children are very egocentric at this age and see themselves as the center of everything. They dont rely on looking at the object they're drawing, therefore, objects become simplified and reveal only what is remembered and essential.
Harold Phi
Hingano Claudia
My first graders and I would like to thank you for joining in our celebration. Many times I feel adults forget what hard work being a child is, and don't stop long enough to remember the joys, the innocence of childhood. I sincerely hope you were able to enjoy a few minutes of reflection back to your own youth, or that of your child. Personally, I treasure these simple drawings as much as any Picasso, or Van Gogh for these are children learning to view the world as artists, and are extremely proud of their own 'masterpieces'.
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