all mixed up, a transsexual girl's perspective on gender identity

Links: I have categorized about one hundred of the most exceptional transgender web sites I have ever found. These sites are introspective, personal, and well-designed.

General Resources: General Resource Sites are either introductions to transgenderism or help a particular group. Those groups include special focus on young transgendered people, female to male transgendered people, and family and significant others of transgendered people.

Instrospection: Instrospective sites have either, wonderful autobiogrpahies, descriptions of personal events, or other personal writings.

Living Life: These sites detail practical matters like transitioning and passing.

Academic: Academic Sites focus on many things including: history, art, medicine, philosophy, and psychology.

Society & Politics: These sites discuss a lot of how society reacts to us. Site focus on things from feminism to religion, medicine and law, pop-culute, subculure, and transgender culture.

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Katie's All Mixed Up Transsexual Web Directory: This site is my web directory of about 100 exceptional transsexual web sites. These sites are introspective, personal, and well-designed.

Katie's All Mixed Up Transsexual Essay Web Site You might also like to see my essay web site which contains dozens of my original writings about transsexuality, transgenderism, and gender identity.

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