
Spirit of the Raven

September 2005- Welcome! I see I need to freshen up this site a bit. I will do so over the next few weeks if I have time...., I did manage to update the Guestbook a little in July 2004. Anyway, I hope you enjoy what's here for now!

Last Updated September 2005 -

A little about me, you ask?

Okay, a little:

Female. My national origins are quite a mix. I've got Native American blood. So much so that the Cherokee Nation has me listed and I'm due for a full scolarship. In addition to that, I have the following blood (verified by my mother the geneologist): English, French, Irish, Scottish, German, Italitan, African (Michael Jordan?!) and Welsh too. I am told I look English by many. I'm 5'1", short blonde hair, blue eyes and around 11X pounds. Because of my looks I receive "white people's" privlegdes, but my heart belongs to something less tangible than the last several thousand years of the populace beliefs.

I am told that I am a great listener, but I love to chat too. I am a deep and rational thinker. I have little interest in religions. Too many have died and are dying in the name of religion. I am fascinated with science. Not the monster called science portrayed by Hollywood, but the method in which we learn about ourselves and our place in the universe.

I enjoy many types of music but I dislike country western or anything played too loud due to a much improved yet life long inner ear problem. I've had intimate relationships with both men and women (sometimes simultaneously) and don't think one is better than the other, just different. I am a vegetarian and have been for over twenty years. The education system failed me (not the reverse) and after being out of high school for almost 25 (24 currently) years (you do the math) I've been trying to go back to school to earn a degree in some form of computer science, but time and money has been a problem.

I have been playing the Tomb Raider games on a PC for years (since 2 came out) so I was SUPER jazzed when I learned there were plans to make a movie AND Angelina Jolie was chosen for the lead! I saw it June 15, 2001 at 11:00 am for the opening day/first time shown in San Diego, CA and as one who has played it for years, I was thrilled! The makers of it really put forth much effort to cater to the gamers. And it goes without saying that Angelina is HOT! Both as an actress and a beautiful woman. I also think she is a really cool human being too. July 2003 - I had just viewed The Cradle of Life yesterday!!! (1st showing in San Diego of course again) I LOVED IT! Even better than the 1st one!
I don't "sell" myself well. I am now single again and although I truly just need to be left alone to my own keen devices, life will not allow this, I have a lot to offer the world. There truly is not just ONE for me, only many..., I plan to live to be 120 years old and I'm a mere 42 now..., Since Carl Sagan died, only Ann Druyan can direct the "right" person for me now..,

Check out my links below and you'll learn more about me - and perhaps a little about yourself as well. That's all for now, write to me if you'd like. I respond to almost every piece of email I receive, it just may take a while.

Bi San Diego

The Planetary Society

Carl Sagan Quotes


Lion Coffee THE best coffee in the world!

Had to start a new guest book in yet another adjustment to Geocities being absorbed by Yahoo! Sorry, all previous entries have been removed (still have them, just can't transfer them to the new site without manually entering them all one by one)

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Last update September 24, 2005
