Peggy's Journey


I'm on a Journey! Would you like to join me? It's exciting and lots of fun! So, come on, let's go!

Who am I, you ask? Where am I traveling?

Why, I'm Soul! I'm traveling through Life, here on planet Earth!

Just recently I started out on my 71st Trip Around the Sun! You might think that traveling the same path would become tedious but the orbit that our planet travels is always wondrous and filled with adventures. For example, 4 trips ago I needed some heart repairs and when we passed by Holy Spirit Hospital I knew that this had to be a perfect stopover designation. Got both knees replaced there, too, on following trips.

You see, my Journey began on December 11, 1936, when I decided to take up residence in Pascola, Missouri. The experience of actually getting to that place on the map was pretty scarey, but after I calmed down a bit and started exploring the neighborhood, I became intrigued and decided to start my first trip around the Sun to see what wonders exist. My parents named their newborn girl Peggy Joanne. Guess they didn't much care for the name, Margaret.

It was clear to me right at the start of my adventures that I had a lot to learn! As luck would have it, though, I had come to just the right place to get a thorough education in Life.

The training available here in Earth School is truly extensive. It prepared me for each phase of my life, from youth through adulthood. I became deeply engrossed in my various roles of daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, friend, etc., and the calendar years flew by quickly. Throughout this period there were numerous questions that I asked, and most were answered to my understanding. Two questions were so difficult to answer that I put them aside until I could devote more time to their resolution. Those questions were:

  1. Who am I?
  2. What am I doing here?
After completing 70 Trips Around the Sun, I'm satisfied that I've found the answers to these puzzling questions. I am, of course, Soul, and my mission here on planet Earth is to learn and grow. Unfortunately, my report card is not what it should be and so I will definitely make another Journey to Earth School someday.

Many years ago, in my quest to find the answers to these two questions, I joined my sister, Wanda (Riggs) Ketelhut in her efforts to establish the genealogy of our family. It has been fascinating searching, discovering and documenting the journeys of our ancestors. Most of them were hard working, solid individuals and a few were outright rascals. I am very grateful to Wanda for her patience in teaching me how to research and for sharing her extensive knowledge and data. Without her, my genealogy tree would not have been possible.

Sharing My Journey with you has been an ongoing project. I thank you for joining me for awhile, and welcome you to stop by again. May your own Journey be all that you wish it to be!


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