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  at Yahoo!!
Welcome to Spike's Place at YAHOO/GEOCITIES !!!  This sister site is dedicated to web building for beginners, using the Yahoo Easy Pagebuider.   If you would like to join us as we build our page, simply click on Lesson One, and begin! 

If you have been referred here by a friend, consider subscribing to "Home Webs" our easy reading Newsletter on Web Building and Site Promotion!   If you like the WWW, you'll like Home Webs!!  
Click HERE to Subscribe To Home Webs! Each issue of Home Webs will help by re-enforcing the lessons below.  Many of you already subscribe, and I appreciate it. 

Spike's Place, at 
http://www.spikesplace.net , and our on-site workshop have many tips and tools you will learn to use to help in your online efforts. Visit our Home Site, and check out the animations, legal midis, free promotion pages,  our free software and screensavers, our 'flagship' marketing program, our money-making membership program, and of course our FREE on-site workshop. 

Click on Lesson One below, and get started!   If you would like to let me know that you are building along with us, or if you need help,
Click HERE and write me a letter!  You'll be taken to Spike's Place, where you can fill out a contact form, and just hit your "browser back" button a few times to get back here!
Lesson One:   Getting Started
Lesson Two:  Saving Animations
Lesson Three:  Saving Music
Lesson Four:  Uploading Files to the WWW
Lesson Five:  Building Your Page
Lesson Six:   Animations
Lesson Seven:   Linking it all Together!
Last Lesson 8:  Advanced Stuff!!
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