Yup, that's my name
Me! Mi Familia Close Friends Kubala Family Other Stuff Funny

Last Updated:
Week of
1 / 20 / 2002

Updated music collection. Going to try to work on site content, which is really out of date.

Previous Updates:
11 / 25 / 2001

Updated music collection.

I Am Addicted To Genealogy Ribbon

In honor of those who died September 11, 2001

Never forget.

Nope, no new pictures. Scanner, like usual, is acting up and I'm unable to put up the many, many pictures that I want to use.

I also wanted to note that if you mouse over the pictures most of them will have some kind of description of what's going on. And, some of the pictures are also surrounded by a blue border which means they can enlarge if you click on them.

View My SlamBook! Sign My SlamBook!

I'm an honourary Canadian!
Questions? Comments? Do you have some general all-around bitching to do? Email me at pocahondas@yahoo.com. I'll get back to ya, if you're lucky...

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Music Menu:

Mini Me and Dr Evil

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Believe me, I've checked it out on Netscape Navigator and it ain't pretty.