Well, since you're already here, let me introduce myself:


Inna  (Inochka) Babaeva


This page was created as part of my 

 Soros Foundation / Library of Congress Fellowship 1998 in May-June 1998

and here you can read my graduation speech which was torture to write but (I do hope) fun to read (at least - by counting how many of my grammar errors you can find! The winner will get a prize:-)


Btw,  if you do not recognize me on the picture on left, try this link: that's how I "really"  look like.


Oh, and here you can find a gallery of my pictures from Washington D.C. -  they're not high quality pics but at least it will not take forever to load them!


Very soon (in August 1998) I will start working on obtaining my MBA degree  (I guess - with a major in CIS) at Georgia State University  as a Fellow of

 Edmund S. Muskie & Freedom Support Act (FSA)  Fellowship Programs.


PS.  If that funky commercial in the right top corner disturbs you - just click on "minimize" and then "close" (X).

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