Miscarriage should not be

"When I lost
my baby it felt like God reached into my chest, broke my heart and took
my baby, but he forgot to take me too. Instead I am left here with the
hurt, pain and absolute living hell of a broken heart and shattered
This web site is created in loving memory of
our first baby

Enter your baby instantly into Miscarriage Memories. An online record of babies
who have died unborn or born still.
& Miscarriage
Many women do not easily fall pregnant and if they eventually do, losing
their precious baby can be extremely devastating.
to Create
Some ideas to create memories for your baby.
Items to Purchase (external links) 
After the loss of a baby we are
often left with no material items to hold close to our hearts. Get some fantastic ideas on items of all prices you can purchase in memory of your baby.
Books and Links relating to Miscarriage.
& Relatives
Some suggestions on things to say and do if you have a loved one
who has had a miscarriage. This list is compiled from several different
sources to give an overview of what people found helpful in their time
of need.
Poems written by women who have experienced the loss
of a baby
A list of common wishes. Great for family and friends
or people who have lost a pregnancy.
I choose to share with you the loss of my baby
I'd love to hear your comments and suggestions about this site or just
anything you'd like to share with me.

As if loosing a baby to
miscarriage isn't bad enough, some people then have to deal
with insensitive family or friends who fail
to acknowledge the baby or if they do, can say well intentioned but
extremely hurtful things. I cannot not believe how taboo miscarriage
is to so many people in such a modern outspoken world. The aim of this
web site is to assist women who are victims of this social taboo.

I face someone who does not seem willing or able to help me work
toward what I might eventually say I become mute. A
person who finds no one willing to take the time and offer the help
necessary to bring forth speech will protect himself by saying
"Missing Children - One couple's anguished
attempt to conceive"
~ Bob Shacochis ~

A Silent
Sorrow Pregnancy Loss
by Perry-Lynn Moffitt
This book recently came out in a completely new and updated edition published by Routledge. It is considered to be one of the most comprehensive and compassionate books on pregnancy loss. It provides practical information about medical and emotional issues, as well as offering bereaved parents both comfort and hope.
Kim Kluger-Bell's "Unspeakable Losses"
ISBN 0-140-27696-3
Made me realise that my feelings, emotions and
attitudes are normal.
She writes ... "Too often, because of the
social taboos surrounding early pregnancy losses, people in this
situation feel ashamed of their continued preoccupation with their early
A book called Pain,
Heartache and Hope is a collection of stories written by real men
and women who have experienced miscarriage. The Author of the book has
herself unfortunately experienced six miscarriages.
This site created in
memory of our first baby
Lost to miscarriage on 1st December 1999
Estimated Due Date 20th June 2000

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