Baby Rose' Book of Poems

English Poems Tagalog Poems E-mail



The poems you are about to read are the product of my own imaginations and emotions... Some are written way back in my elementary and high school days... Inspired by some people who became part of my daily life and thinking, some by people I adore greatly and most are inspired by my own powerful emotions... I made this page out of my own personal satisfaction... These poems reveal a part of my personality... It also shows how I transcend from being a naive girl to a matured young woman... I also did some revisions on some of the poems, especially with those written way back in my high school days... Thanks for taking time out to browse... Enjoy reading!

Baby Rose Cortez
  the author

This is to inform everyone that Baby Rose Cortez and Piel Morena are one and the same person... If you want to get in touch, feel free to e-mail her...