 Tommy's Handprint and Robby's Footprint Christmas Card 2001
Tommy January 10, 2003
Tommy and Robby January 10, 2003
Robby January 10, 2003
Tommy August 6, 2003
Tommy and Robby August 6, 2003
Robby August 6, 2003
Tommy April 5, 2004
Tommy and Robby April 5, 2004
Robby April 5, 2004
Tommy May 6, 2004
Tommy and Robby May 6, 2004
Robby May 6, 2004
We moved in August, 2005. Check out pictures of our new house!
We finally got a dog! Meet Roxie, who arrived with us Auguist 21, 2005. Roxie is a 5-year-old Rotweiler/Shepherd mix, who loves babies and children.

© 1998-2003 Debbie Palmer. All rights under international copyright reserved.