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I am a Soldier's Angel

This web site is about my volunteer work. I hope that you will support one of our soldiers. Even if you don't support the war, please support one of our Hero's. Visit the Soldiers Angles web site and request to adopt a soldier. You will write him/her and send small care packages. If you are unable to make a long time commitment perhaps you can join the e-mail a soldier program or maybe you could sew, quilt, crochet or knit a blanket for a wounded soldier.

"May No Soldier Go Unloved"
This is the motto of the Soldier's Angles Organization.

I hope to get you excited about volunteering for one of our Hero's fighting for our freedom. You talents can be used in many ways. Can you write a soldier, make a covering for an arm or foot cast, make a blanket, fill a back pack, send a care package? You CAN make a difference in a soldier's life.
Hello my name is Christina Webb and I am from Virginia. Last summer I adopted a soldier and wrote him cards and letters. I also sent him a few care packages with food and personal care items. This past January he was sent back home. This is the e-mail he sent me.
I just wanted to say thank you very much for all of your support while we were in Baghdad. The packages that you sent were very thoughtful and all of us in the squad really appreciated the time the you took to put them together. I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and a great year to come.
p.s. we did get the x-mas package, it sure was nice to actually have some good American snacks on x-mas day.
Thank you so much,
SGT John S.
I enjoy cross stitching and crocheting. I am currently making a blanket for Blankets of Hope. I also joined the group that is making cross stitch memorial tributes to fallen soldiers. I will receive a cross stitch pattern and make the project for the soldiers family. My soldier is Sgt Russell. I was e-mailed a picture of him and quotes of what others said about this brave man, who died so young. I don't want to give too much information about the soldier I am making the cross stitch memorial for, as it may take me months to complete and I don't want his family to get their hopes up as to when they will receive it
Do you want to cross stitch a memorial for a fallen soldier's family?  Click here to go to my web page that lists this link.  It is listed under Memorial to a Fallen Soldier

This site was updated on
September 14 , 2006

Poem to a Soldier ~

Those of us who've never gone
Don't always understand
The sacrifices that you made
Protecting hearth and land.

We take for granted our freedom
and forget to count the cost
to those who protect that freedom
from war and holocaust.

So this simple poem is a thank you,
to tell you someone cares
and that you are remembered
In our hearts and in our prayers

---Author Unknown--

I want to share with you that I have cancer.  The doctor gave me six months to live without chemotherapy.  So I took the chemotherapy, it was the worst time of my life. I had several churches all across the country praying for me.  My church had an all night prayer session. I pray about 5 times a day, sometimes just thanking God for my life and for what little I am able to do.  That is why I created this web site. For the little time it takes to create the web site, I might be changing someone else's life for the better.  I spend sometimes as many and three full days sleeping, waking up for short periods of times to eat or whatever..  Other days I'm so tired I spend the day in bed crocheting, reading or making my cross stitch memorial.  If you know someone who has cancer, the best thing you can say to them is, I am praying for you that you will get well soon. Tell them you miss them, you care about them, they mean something special in your life.  Cancer patients feel very venerable and need to know they make a difference in someone's life. Never, ever tell a story that you knew someone else who had cancer (no matter how long they lived) and now they died.

Please visit around my web site, look at my favorite links to other sites or learn how you can help a wounded soldier. God Bless you for taking the time to read my web site.

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